How Not Settling Can Help You Find a Suitable (Better) Partner

Love is possible whether you're in your 20s or 40s or 60s or... well, I think you can figure out where I'm going with this. Love is possible at any age, as long as you don't believe that your age is stopping you from finding the love that you want.

When you stop giving life to limiting beliefs, you will no longer be willing to settle. Learn more about how you can find love at any age in the video below. If you’d like to read more about finding yourself a better partner, scroll down to read the article below the video.


Learn to Love Yourself

Many of us are plagued with an unwitting low regard for ourselves and thus often settle for choices that aren’t quite worthy of our desires. When you go from low self-esteem to loving and respecting yourself (what I call “Big Wild Love”), you realize there’s no need to settle.

In fact, settling becomes anathema to your integrity. So you may theoretically have fewer options, but they’re absolutely better options.

When you go from having low self-esteem to actually loving yourself, your playing field narrows: for love or work or wherever you’re looking to let go and create change.

Now that you have learned to love yourself, you realize you don’t have to go out with everybody who asks, take any job that comes along, or whatever it is you’re aiming to do. You simply don’t have to settle.

Become More Discerning

That’s because actually loving yourself makes you way more discerning — you learn to entertain only those options that meet your criteria, that are a good use of your time, that offer you something powerful and positive, and, not least importantly, have the actual potential to get you where you want to go.

Because you know you deserve it — and that what you want is possible for you.

This idea of loving and respecting yourself will decrease the quantity of opportunities available to you, and increase the quality. And this is precisely where you want to be. What you want is now on its way to you!

Moving Forward and Into Love

I’d love to hear what you have to say about loving and respecting yourself, and how this could ultimately lead you to a better relationship. Leave your comments below, and if you’d like to buy the book “Big Wild Love,” then click on the link below!


The Let Love Begin Summit


how to cultivate radical self-love