Self-Sabotage is not a life strategy

Making big life choices can be scary, hard, and painful. That's why so many of us turn to self-sabotaging behavior instead.

Why make that hard choice and run the risk of regretting our decision when we can drive others to make the choice for us, leaving us without any accountability, but still moving forward regardless?

In this video, I'll explain exactly why you shouldn't do that, and teach you how to start intentionally choosing what you have in your life instead. You can watch below or keep reading for more! 


It’s easy to push your partners buttons and make yourself nearly unbearable in their eyes as a tactic to force their hand, and ultimately, force you out of the relationship, without you having to do the dirty work of actually breaking up with them.

Self-sabotage is a roundabout way of letting go (because that’s still what this is all about - letting go), instead of finding intention and purpose through that process. 

It might seem easier to force someone else to take your choice and make it for you so that you’re left with no other option but to keep moving forward now that you’ve kind of let go. 

But when you take your time to consciously choose when to let go and how to let go, you’re giving yourself time and permission to take the next step in moving on to where and what and who you want in life.

You have the ability to bring an unlimited number of wonderful things into your life, but only if you believe it.

Self-sabotage can’t and won’t create the life you want. When you make the same flawed choices, you experience the same flawed results.

Instead, cultivate that deep beautiful Big Wild Love in yourself and empower yourself to make ALL the choices, no matter how big or scary.

So, how can you stop self-sabotaging and start making those choices? Here’s what I recommend: 

Take the time to check in with yourself and find out, how’s your big wild love, really? Take the quiz and find out here!

Listen to your body. Your body gives you clues as to if a situation or relationship is right for you. Trust your gut.

Figure out what you’re afraid of. Find the limiting belief and rewrite it. Think it through until you find the root of that limiting belief and then rip it out!


The Invaluable Choice to Let Go


Letting go of My December Birthday Beliefs