Why Self-Care Won't Get You Anywhere: Josh Talk

There's nothing wrong with you. You're just doing self-love wrong.

And I know what you're thinking: "Jill! I do Self Care Sunday every week. I take time for myself and do face masks and bubble baths and, and and."

No, that's self-CARE.

I know you think you're doing all the right things when it comes to taking care of yourself and all of those things ARE important.

But are you taking time to connect with yourself on a deeper level? Are you hearing what your body needs? Are you hearing what your soul needs? Are you letting a bad relationship numb your senses and your mind? Are you holding on to past trauma that's keeping you stuck?

That's where self-love comes into play.

Join me on this Josh Talk, where I go even more in depth about this concept and share stories from my past.


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